Book 13 was Heartsick by Chelsea Cain.
After my BFF Dawn read the book, she recommended it to me, knowing my love for serial killers and all things morbid. She told me I could borrow the book, but not being the type to borrow books I went out and bought my own copy.
Honestly I wasn't all to interested in the book, I have this thing against police dramas. There is a killer, and a cop blah blah blah. But, trusting in Dawns recommendation (she is a writer herself, so what better person to recommend a read?) I cracked the book open (but didn't crack the spine!).
The book centers around three main characters: Susan, the small time reporter, looking for her big break, Archie a damaged police detective, and Gretchen the serial killer.
Archie has just returned to the police force after a horrific ordeal. He uses drugs repeatedly to get through the days. Most times he is high, but he is determined to catch the killer in this case.
Susan works for the Portland Herald, and has just been given the chance to interview Archie in a serial article for the paper, about his life, career and what the atrocities he survived.
Then there is Gretchen, the serial killer. She's the one who made Archie the way he is. I can't get into it much, as it will ruin the story, but lets just say this woman is few cookies short of a jar.
Although Gretchen is a psychopath, she has a certain beauty and composure about her that is erie. Everyone seems to be drawn to her, including Archie, no matter what she has done.
I absolutely loved the character of Gretchen! It was completely refreshing to have a female serial killer, who was just as cruel, and bloodthirsty as any male killer I have read. She definitely is at the top of my list of favorite antagonists!
This book has an amazing story, with many twists, a little bit on romantic tension, and a surprise ending. I finished the book about a week ago, and should have done this blog a long time ago...as I forgot what I was going to say about the book. :)
Pick up the book! It's the first in a series! You'll be hooked on Gretchen!
Next book is Whiskey Sour, by J.A. Konrath
So far, I've got a pretty good batting average for recommendations :-) I'm so glad you love Gretchen as much as I do. I'm about to start Sweet Heart (woot!). Hope Whiskey Sour is awesome. Love ya. xo