Wow...it took me a long time to finish book 19 "Abraham Lincoln, Vampire Hunter". Not that the book was drab or slow, it was an enjoyable book...but my passion for video games got in the way of my reading time.
For any "gamer" the words "God of War" or "Final Fantasy" can bring night sweats and heart palpitations, such is the same with me. The month of March brought forth God of War III and Final Fantasy 13 (sorry,I don't know the roman numerals for 13) All my free time has been spent on mainly God of War III as I haven't touched Final Fantasy 13 as I know once I insert that disc into my PS3...well it's all downhill from there...kids, husband and all living things in my world will making their own dinner, doing their own laundry, and basically surviving without me!
So after some pushing, I decided it was time to finish this book! With lots of willpower, I have finally turned the last page of the book!
I have to say Seth Grahame-Smith has an amazing ability to turn historical fact into present day fiction. We all know of Abraham Lincoln, 16th president of the United States, the man who abolished slavery, and who was assassinated on April 14 1865. But..did you know he was also a vampire hunter?
The story in Abraham Lincoln Vampire Hunter begins with Abe's childhood and how after his mother dies (from a mysterious "sickness") he learns of vampires and vows to destroy everyone of them. The story travels with Abe through his years as a young man, his battles with finances, vampires and fatherhood, his winning of the presidential election, and finally his death.
It is like reading a biography of Lincolns life, but of course the historical facts are correct with some embellishments. :)
Seth Grahame-Smith has a knack for explaining the grotesque, using phrases such as "bloody brain matter" and "blood ran from his nose and mouth like a waterfall". Gotta love bloody brain matter and waterfalls of blood... (insert happy sigh here).
Now we all know John Wilkes Booth assassinated Lincoln but there is so much more that is missing from that simple tale (according to the book). Grahame-Smith works his elements into history smoothly without a single stutter. Truly, he is a talented individual!
On to book 20! Which i have no idea what to choose...Horns by Joe Hill (thank you for the lending Dawn!) or Rusty Nail by J. A. Konrath (do I need another shot of J.D.) or maybe something completely different...decisions decisions...